
In a conversation, we go into your characteristic values and explore your very personal “why” – that is, what you want to bring out into this world and, above all, why. When we have developed this important basis, I will accompany you on the way to your own business. We clarify which offer you want to create, how you can reach your customers and how you make yourself visible to your customers.

This coaching is a «dream-realization workshop» and an important tool in this process is, among other things, the vision board, with which we visualize your wishes and dreams.

Do you want to know more about it? I look forward to your call or email.


«Danke dier nu einisch für dini Ziit und super Hilf. De Kurs hed mich würkli wiiterbrunge und ich ha einigi AHA-Momänt gha.»

Alisha Trütsch

«Danke der vill moll för dini Ziit wo du der för mii gnoo hesch! ii ha uu vill tööre lerne ond du hesch mer jedesmoll mit dinere herzliche ond offne Art sovill energie ond motivation mitgee. Die knapp 2 stond, ane ond wider hääweg, hönd sich mee als glohnt!»

Marlen Frick